Business Coaching
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work

– Thomas A.Edison

Whether you are an entrepreneur starting up a business or have been running for a while, there are many challenges that you face. Business owners are usually very passionate and intimate in their field of expertise. However, they struggle to put in place a system within their organisation to help them manage their daily operations. As a result, they find themselves working extra hard, sacrificing their time from their families and friends, to keep their business afloat.

Truebiz business coach can help business owners overcome these challenges, align their goals, design action plans and accountability to achieve greater business performance. Some of the key areas that Truebiz business coaching can help:

  • Develop and Plan Strategic Business Goals
  • Design a Systemic Approach for the business
  • Improve Leadership and Management Skills
  • Implement Financial Management Control

Truebiz business coach assesses both your core strengths and your willingness to make changes. Leveraging on your strengths, the coach guides and provide support in helping you acquire new habits that will propel you towards your business goals.

Truebiz business coaching approach are divided into 3 phases-

  1. Assessment Phase

    • Assessment on the clients strengths and core skills
    • Current Business Analysis with SWOT
    • Identify Key Business Goals
  2. Coaching Phase

    • Skype and/or Phone Coaching Sessions
    • Vary from 12-24 sessions, each lasting between 60-90 minutes
  3. Post-Coaching Phase

    • Analysis of Results
    • Follow-up Actions

Improving one’s Business Performance is the key to survival for all businesses, in today’s fast changing environment. No longer can any company remain or operate the same way they have always been. There is a need for change and excel. Business Coaching helps you move forward in the right direction towards excellence. It is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity to partner with a Business Coach.

Truebiz Coaching has expertise to make an impact which helps you Explore Best of your Business and re-discover “Leader in You”.