High Potential: A Simple Equation

There is a lot of buzz around High Potential (Hi Pots) identification and development. Organizations are doing their bit on how to interpret and identify Hi Pots and not many organizations are satisfied with the results. One main reason for this dissatisfaction is that there is lack of clarity on what are the right parameters or core attributes which should be used to identify ‘Hi Pots’. Does the definition of Hi Pots change from organizations? Or is it the lack of identifying the core attributes that differentiates an Hi Pot?

I have seen that no matter how much time organizations spend on defining their Hi Pots core attributes, the assessment drops down to a simple equation:

High Potential = Performance + Future Potential + Motivation

This equation measures potential objectively, taking into account the context in which the individual will operate and emphasises upon the motivational and behavioural qualities that are critical to succeed.

  • Performance is a combination of past and current performance,
  • Future Potential are the core attributes that distinguishes a high potential and these attributes are personality traits and mental abilities that are largely innate in nature,
  • Motivation is the need or zeal of the individual to strive harder and succeed.

More often, organizations focus on only one or two aspects of this equation, resulting in dissatisfaction further leading to belief that such practices are only jargon and not realistic. However, if this simple equation is followed with simplicity (without adding too many complications and layers) and commitment, I have seen it to work wonders! But then, it’s just my experience. What do you think?

Have you tried implementing this equation in your organization? Has it worked for you?

If you haven’t tried it yet, please do and reach out to us in case of any clarifications. Will be happy to help!

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