Customer Delight – External
About this intervention
A customer-focused organisation is grounded in the belief that long-term success depends on a commitment to customer satisfaction throughout the entire organisation. This programme focuses on what it takes to build the culture, the processes and the relationships that will lead to long-term growth and financial sustainability.
This program will equip employees to use the R3 framework to:
  • Identify the key components of a customer centric-organization
  • Understand the value of customers to a business
  • Analyse their customer base
  • Use customer feedback to drive the business forward
  • Shift the focus from product to customer
  • Apply techniques to build Customer Loyalty
Who will benefit?
All front-line staff and their managers.

What challenges will it help you address?
  • Meeting customer expectations in diverse channels – email, live chat, telephone, face-to-face, and social media
  • Lack of customer focus
  • Reactive approach to managing customers
  • End to end customer experience
  • Listening to what customers want and acting on it

Create a customer centric culture

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